Echo Chamber | The Ameri-Manga

Echo Chamber Productions Presents

Echo Chamber | The Ameri-Manga

Book 3

Now Available For Purchase

Jt has begun his adventure. Following Eric’s final words, Jt is led to San Francisco in search of the Sceptre family. After convincing his mother that he was destined for this adventure, he assures her he’d be safe and promised to return. Jt then sets out to find answers to the question of who is the mysterious woman Eric called Sarah?


Although the beginning of his travels begin with a shaky start, Jt powers through, leading him to a young man named Cassius Sceptre. Knowing that Eric has sent him to this person, Jt must gain the trust of Cassius and use that relationship to further his pursuit of The Malady. In doing so, Jt finds out that Cass has his own motives. Can the two find a middle ground in their pursuit of The Malady…or will egos deter them?

Echo Chamber The Ameri-Manga
Book 3

Jt must gain the trust of Cassius Sceptre, the sole survivor of the Sceptre family. After his family was brutally murdered and his sister kidnapped, he devoted himself to unraveling the mystery behind The Malady. Will the boys be able to find common ground in this pursuit? Or will their egos halt their progress?

Illustrated by Jeremy Hughes

Story by Garrett Wilson and Jeremy Hughes

A Modern Fantasy Ameri-manga Out Now On Amazon

Physical Copies available later this year!